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Friday, June 21, 2013

Updating postal address information at Maybank Taman Maluri

Ithought that updating the postal address information for the accounts of my wife, son and daughter would be just a breeze. After all, none of the account holders are withdrawing money from their accounts.

So after finishing our business with our solicitors in Taman Maluri I and my wife walked over to Maybank which is located one block away from our solicitor's office.

At the reception we informed the counter officer the nature of our visit. With a knowing smile she gave us a number and ushered us to the banking hall on the first floor. So far so good.

Our problem started after we approached the counter with our application forms, photocopies of the account holders' identity cards and the account holders' passbooks. Even after the account holders have signed the application forms, provided the thumb prints and attached photo copies of their identity cards, the counter officer insisted that the account holders must be physically present to do the change of address application.

It was only after some negotiations that the officer relented and directed us to speak to the assistant manager of the bank.

After hearing us out and checking the documentations the assistant manager then confirmed that the amendment to the postal address could be done even if the account holders were not physically present except for my daughter's case. She pointed out that my daughter's application form did not have her signature on it. We accepted her explanation for my daughter's case. In asking my daughter to insert her thumb print on the application form I must have forgotten to ask her to sign the documents.

On second thought I should have checked all the documents before presenting them to the bank. Acknowledging our carelessness we then made the decision to come back to do the change of address for my daughter's account on another day.

So as not to waste the opportunity we then decided to go ahead with the amendment to the postal addresses of my wife and son's account without doing the same to my daughter's account.

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