Get snow effect

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A general feeling of desolation and pessimism

Expectedly Christmas has come and gone with little or no fanfare.

I reckon it will be more or less the same pessimism for the upcoming New Year and CNY celebrations.

Bombarded on all fronts by the escalating rise in the price of essential goods and services few people save the well-offs with deep pockets are in the mood to splurge and celebrate.

Yet amid the general pessimism life has to go on and will go on.

Wishing everybody Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Nothing lasts forever

Time to replace the worn out solar tinted film.

Air bubbles are appearing on the surface of the 6-year old film at the front and back wind screen and also the four glass windows. As a result the air bubbles sometimes obscure my driving vision when on the road.

Three workers took about two hours to install the new tinted films after removing the old.

Paid RM380 to the shop for the service. In return I get a three year warranty against future defects. I was told to bring along the official receipt to show evidence of the date of purchase whenever I make a claim against defects in the newly installed film.

Monday, December 02, 2013

One last fling

When I retired from work I couldn't wait to congratulate myself for getting out of the building construction and engineering industry, a love-hate relationship that spaned about 40 years of my working career.

Due to circumstances and the unseen hands of destiny I am being drawn out of retirement and back in again.

I don't know what lies ahead waiting for me in the shadows but I do know that the coming days, weeks, and months will be particularly challenging. One thing that I do know for sure is the final outcome. 

This will be my last fling at this love-hate affair as I am not getting any younger.

Using the mind and body language to control and lead the attacker

Sun 1/12/2013 Inter-campus combined training Cyberjaya dojo

Katate tori kokyu nage technique.

One girl was puzzled why when she extended her hand forward and started to initiate the tenkan movement the beginner Uke who grabbed her hand just stood there unmoving and frozen stiff. As a result Uke created so much resistance that Tori was stopped from rotating her body by the frozen Uke.

I told her that Uke had no incentive to move because Tori had allowed her partner to grab her hand before starting to tenkan. I told her that she had to provide the incentive for Uke to chase her hand by spinning her body together with her extended hand first before allowing Uke to even touch it.

Aikido is preemptive and not passively waiting for something to happen before taking action. This is what I mean by using your mind and body language to control and lead Uke.

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