Get snow effect

Monday, May 05, 2014

When it rains...


Each time when heavy rain with thunder and lashing winds strikes I worry about the water-tightness of the roof. Predictably the roof leaks again. With a LED head light strapped to my head I climbed up into the ceiling space via the ceiling inspection manhole to inspect the roof.

Where previously rain water would penetrate the porous plastering to run down the surface of the parapet wall to the ceiling and exit to the bedroom below this time the wall is dry as a bone, an indication that the last water-proof treatment applied to the parapet wall is working well.

Two wet patches in the ceiling board and also a wet patch at the bottom chord of the timber truss indicate that the rain water is leaking through the roof covering, either through gaps in the inter-locking tile arrangement or some tiles due to old age, wear and tear have become porous to water.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

A compelling story

What if you can't find some suitable images from the internet that you want to download for use to tell a compelling story? 

No problem. I draw my own illustration using MS Excel's drawing tools and convert the xls image into a jpg image like this picture.

Standing and balancing only on his right leg and using it as a pivot this person will rotate his body anti-clockwise leftward and to his rear for a left heel kick strike to his imaginary attacker who is approaching him from the back.

Although I know this technique like the back of my hand and have successfully done it uncountable times, this morning due to a momentary lapse of mind-body coordination, the power from the torque generated by the body-turn twisted my weak right knee.

The pain in the inflamed knee was so excruciating that I used the shopping cart as an improvised walker when I accompanied the wife to the supermarket. By my hands bracing against the shopping cart handle, I was able to take some pressure off my injured right knee as I walked slowly, painfully, stiffly and with a awkward limp helping my wife to shop for the week's groceries.

Although it is just a sprain it looks like I will have to take things easy for the next two weeks to allow time for the soft tissue knee injury to heal.
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